Boracay Island Philippines – Photos, Articles, Guide and Info!

Boracay Island Philippines – Photos, Articles, Guide and Info!

Boracay Island Philippines – Photos, Articles, Guide and Info!

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How to get from Batangas to Boracay

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If you’re looking for a tropical adventure, traveling from Batangas to Boracay is a great option. You can enjoy beautiful beaches, crystal-clear waters, and experience a blend of vibrant cultures. If you’re ready to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the Philippine archipelago, follow this comprehensive guide on how to get from Batangas to Boracay seamlessly.

Batangas to Caticlan or Kalibo

By Air

  • The quickest and most convenient way to travel from Batangas to Boracay is by taking a domestic flight. You can fly from Ninoy Aquino International Airport (MNL) to either Godofredo P. Ramos Airport (Caticlan) or Kalibo International Airport (Kalibo). Caticlan is the closer option, but Kalibo usually offers more flight choices.
  • Tricycle to Caticlan Jetty Port: Once in Caticlan, ride a tricycle to Caticlan Jetty Port.
  • Boat to Boracay: Board a boat from the jetty port to Boracay Island.

By Land and Sea

  • Bus from Batangas to Manila: Begin your journey by taking a bus from Batangas Grand Terminal to Manila. This ride usually takes around two to three hours, depending on traffic.
  • Van or Bus from Manila to Batangas Pier: From Manila, take a van or bus bound for Batangas Pier. This leg of the journey takes approximately two hours.
  • Ferry from Batangas Pier to Caticlan or Kalibo: Several ferry companies operate trips from Batangas Pier to Caticlan or Kalibo. The ferry ride may take around 9 to 10 hours, and it’s advisable to book your tickets in advance.
  • Tricycle/ Pick-up Van to Caticlan Jetty Port: From Godofredo P. Ramos Airport, take a tricycle to Caticlan Jetty Port. The journey is short and typically takes around 10-15 minutes.
  • Boat to Boracay: From the jetty port, board a boat bound for Boracay Island. The boat ride takes about 15-20 minutes.

If you arrived in Kalibo, the journey to Boracay is slightly longer:

  • Van or Bus to Caticlan: From Kalibo International Airport, take a van or bus to Caticlan. The ride may take around 1.5 to 2 hours.
  • Tricycle to Caticlan Jetty Port: Once in Caticlan, ride a tricycle to Caticlan Jetty Port.
  • Boat to Boracay: Board a boat from the jetty port to Boracay Island.

Upon reaching Boracay Island, you’ll arrive at Cagban Port. From here, you can take a tricycle or multicab to your accommodation. Boracay has various options for transportation, including e-trikes, which are eco-friendly electric tricycles.

Traveling from Batangas to Boracay is an adventure that combines both land and sea experiences. You can choose to travel quickly by air or take the scenic route by land and sea. Either way, the destination is worth the journey. So pack your bags, enjoy the journey and get ready to indulge in the paradise that is Boracay!

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