Boracay Island Philippines – Photos, Articles, Guide and Info!

Boracay Island Philippines – Photos, Articles, Guide and Info!

Boracay Island Philippines – Photos, Articles, Guide and Info!

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Look at the gorgeous ocean and beach.



But wait, what about the road?

The government sent the heavies from Manila to fix the cesspool; in particular water, drainage, and
environmental damage.

Instead of a superficial fix and a photo op, the incisions go deep. The surgery into the spine of Boracay
is nothing short of a complete transplant. 4 meter deep trenches to the pumping station and 4+ KM of
completely redoing the entire system is above and beyond anything that Boracay could have expected
on April 26 th .
Once the decision to close Boracay was made, the only thing that could NOT happen was successfully
addressing and solving the problem.
Against all expectations, congratulations.

No one expected them to remove 1000 illegal buildings. It’s too big of a job, too complicated, too
expensive, too fraught with legal issues… but they did it.

If they took the easy route they would be finished already and sipping sunset cocktails. Instead they
accepted the challenge and went the distance.

The concrete top of the road is the 5% that you see, and really the final touch. Removing 30 years of
crazy sewerage and pipes in the road, disconnecting 1000s of illegal connections, installing dual 1.2
meter pipes to take infrastructure to 2040, adding sewerage access every 10 meters for preventative maintenance;
all the while keeping the road accessible for HUGE work crews throughout closure…

The road topping is the last 5% of the project. It can be done in a couple weeks. The 95% you don’t see
is the most important part.

We are happy they aren’t rushing the 95%. It’s the most important part. The tourists can stay on White
Beach and chill for a bit while the boys get the REAL WORK finished up.

Relax! The 5% top is coming, and it’ll be the icing on the cake.

Reversing years of environmental damage was the goal, but Boracay ended up with wider roads, bicycle
paths, PWD ramps and sexy red brick elevated sidewalks. SEXY!

Everyone is quick to give “them” shit when the job is half done. Here they go all the way. They never
said it would be finished in six months. They said we would be closed for six months and then reopen.
Right on schedule!

Quarter Billion Peso pumping station to push treated water out 800 meters past Bulabog Beach Reef;
ending decades of CRAZY abuse of Asia’s #1 Kiteboarding Beach. Bulabog is a very special community
and wonderful people whom have borne the brunt of the cesspool, and they been active advocates for change.

Below is Bulabog Beach this morning:

Above is Laketown: The stinky armpit of Boracay.

Now it is a reclaimed wetland and the shining example of the
government’s efforts to save Boracay.

Nice! Getting ‘er done~!!!

Demolish and Comply! Everyone thought they had connections, knew someone high up, or had a fat
wallet and could escape or cut corners. This turned out not to be the case, and in the end, everyone had
to Demolish and Comply!

Right, so the demolition on the road is ongoing to this day. Main road development is slowed because
road works needed to wait on buildings to demolish back to easement lines. But an entire community was “pushed back”, and this takes some time to clean up.

The result is clear improvement on White Beach and Road Setbacks for roads, sidewalks and boulevards
in the future.

Relax!! We are rebuilding an entire “town”, and buildings that proper building permits are having defects
corrected. Most are not violators, just that rules have changed.

Cleaning up electrical with modern steel power poles and elevated wires? Too kind. You guys are going
too far 🙂 Thanks

New rules in the 25+5 White Beach vegetation areas, integrated environmental and terminal fees,
improved and electrical public transportation system, removing roosters and pigs, removing petrol
trikes; these are all good things.

Reorganizing watersports into zones, putting the parties back inside the bars, enforcing long standing
municipal ordinances; these are all good things.

As Boracay reopens to the world on October 26 th , exactly as promised, and people post photos of either
the gorgeous beach or the muddy road, I hope we can accept that this pain has been worth it.

It does not have to have been executed exactly as we would have liked. The job just needed to get done. And what a job it was.

Tourists, welcome back to Boracay.  Come and relax on the perfect White Beach; and honestly, come and check out the rebuilding of Boracay in the context that you are witnessing the complete renewal and preparation of a World Class Tourist destination for years to come.

There should be no complaining.

I can’t believe I am typing this; excellent work Philippines government and agencies. Salamat .

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